Visibility Reboot Online Workshop

Are you ready to breathe new life into your vision and visibility in 2024?
Reboot is here for you!

If we had a dollar for every time one of our graduates said they need to refresh their vision and visibility strategy, but struggle to make the time, we’d be retired and donating our billions to charity. ;-)

We know it’s helpful to take stock and refresh your vision and visibility. You might want to to take your thinking higher. Refine it. Or maybe life has changed and you need to completely overhaul that great work you did last time.

Most of all, people tell us they want a fresh hit of the clarity and inspiration they gained with us. That might have been over one day, three months or a whole year.

In February 2024 we’ll be doing all that in a short and punchy workshop - Visibility Reboot.

The Visibility Reboot is an easy way to reconnect to the work you did with us.

To build new and better habits around your vision and visibility in the year ahead.

Not to mention meet extraordinary people without it feeling like awkward networking. (The most common question we hear about our community is, “Where do you find these incredible people?”)

What you’ll leave with:

  • Step-by-step guidance to review and evolve your leadership, visibility + impact for 2024

  • A new / rebooted vision, Visible Leadership Roadmap + action plan. This means checking in with your values and redoing your vision and GAMPER, nice and quick (if you don’t have a Roadmap or GAMPER from a previous program with us, our Visibility Kickstarter workshop might suit you better..

  • A crew of accountability partners who can lift you up, hold a mirror, collaborate, open doors and get you moving ASAP in 2024

  • Membership to our online community the Visibility Collective + invitation only events, coaching calls, retreats and other events (which we’re excited to share soon!)

We’ve deliberately designed Reboot in three easy parts:


Simple process that we’ll guide you through, to be reminded of where you landed last time and evaluate your progress. Plus sow the seeds for the year to come.


Half-day online workshop to hatch your new vision, visibility strategy and action plan.


Ongoing opt-in support to give you the structure and coaching to bring your plan to life.

To celebrate the launch of Reboot, we’ll give you access to 12 months’ membership of our reimagined community, the Visibility Collective
(valued at $290), at no extra cost.

This includes bi-monthly coaching calls with us and an immediate network of humble but extraordinary change-makers. Invitations to exclusive retreats, events and other special surprises! We want you to feel fully supported as you give your vision and visibility new wings in 2024.

You’ll gain clarity as you venture into the new year. You’ll have a whole new crew of people to champion you as you step into the brightest next version of yourself; the leader you knew you’d be.

Special Offer

Special Offer

Reboot is for you if…

  • You know you need to spend the time working out 2024 …but struggle to do it yourself

  • You know what you articulated was important but you’ve lost touch with what you wanted. Or have struggled to action it.

  • You want your ideas taken to a higher level, surrounded by a collective of like-hearted people (again)

  • You loved the tools you learnt with us but you’re not using them (no shame there - you’re human!)

  • You know there’s plenty to celebrate but you’ve been so stuck in the day-to-day that you’ve lost track of what you’ve achieved

  • You loved the people you met in your program and you need a shot of inspiration and connection

Interested in Visibility Reboot?

Register your interest below to be the first to find out about our next intake.

  • “Visibility Co. is made up of an incredibly supportive team who provide the toolbelt and the tools to make real-world impact. With their expertise and guidance, the world suddenly becomes much larger and one’s potential to make a difference is increased dramatically. "

    Anika Molesworth

    Farmer, Scientist & Author

  • “Julia and Sarah will help turn your heart’s whispers into a concrete, achievable statement.”

  • “The visibility training was absolutely crucial to help me finding my voice and getting the necessary confidence to speak up to the people I have to be visible to! The content offered is strategic and, at the same time, very practical. I have many more tools I can use and I feel much more confident about not holding back! ”

    Natalie Untersell

  • “Sarah and Julia are authentic from the outset and have a special way of getting under your skin. They are incredibly insightful women with a sophisticated yet simple approach to helping you find yourself.”

  • Visibility Co will guide you in defining your purpose and strategy for visible leadership, while also providing you with practical tools and strategies to help you realise this vision. They build community amongst those who are lucky to work with them and are experts at curating groups of like-minded people who can cross-pollinate their expertise to create positive change in the world.

    Anna Kaplan

    Co-Founder & Head of Impact Production, Regen Studios